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Ariana Grande Ariana Grande-Butera
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Singer, Songwriter, Actress
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Ariana Grande net worth

$ 9.63M - $ 57.8M *

Ariana Grande income

$ 0
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 318K
last 30 days
$ 627K
last 90 days

As of 2021, Ariana Grande's net worth is estimated to be over $150 million. She has accumulated her wealth through her successful music career, endorsement deals, and acting ventures. Grande's numerous chart-topping songs, sold-out concerts, and business ventures have contributed significantly to her impressive net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Ariana Grande estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
March 2024$ 627K
January 2024$ 305K
December 2023$ 300K
November 2023$ 299K
July 2023$ 108K
June 2023$ 141K
May 2023$ 167K
April 2023$ 160K
March 2023$ 185K
February 2023$ 176K
January 2023$ 164K
December 2022$ 227K
November 2022$ 200K
October 2022$ 172K
September 2022$ 104K
August 2022$ 155K
July 2022$ 176K
June 2022$ 157K
May 2022$ 128K

Ariana Grande Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ariana Grande's full name?

Ariana Grande-Butera

When was Ariana Grande born?

June 26, 1993

What are Ariana Grande's occupations?

Singer, Songwriter, Actress

Where was Ariana Grande born?

Boca Raton, Florida, USA

What was Ariana Grande's breakthrough role?

Cat Valentine on the Nickelodeon TV series 'Victorious'

What was one of Ariana Grande's notable controversies?

The 'donut-licking' incident in 2015

What is one of Ariana Grande's famous quotes?

I hate America. I hate Americans.