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Báo Thanh Niên Báo Thanh Niên
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Báo Thanh Niên net worth

$ 2.12M - $ 12.7M *

Báo Thanh Niên income

$ 7.32K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 49.9K
last 30 days
$ 172K
last 90 days

Information about Báo Thanh Niên's net worth is not publicly available. However, it is one of the most popular newspapers in Vietnam and has a strong readership base both online and offline. The paper generates revenue through advertising and subscriptions.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Báo Thanh Niên estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 25.4K
March 2024$ 46.9K
February 2024$ 55.7K
January 2024$ 35.4K
December 2023$ 71.3K
November 2023$ 81.5K
October 2023$ 90.9K
July 2023$ 79.7K
June 2023$ 69.9K
May 2023$ 51.6K
April 2023$ -78.7K
March 2023$ 111K
February 2023$ 126K
January 2023$ 88.7K
December 2022$ 77.1K
November 2022$ 107K
October 2022$ 126K
September 2022$ 37.5K
August 2022$ 56.2K
July 2022$ 67.1K
June 2022$ 83.3K
May 2022$ 54.8K

Báo Thanh Niên Frequently Asked Questions

What is Báo Thanh Niên?

Báo Thanh Niên is a popular Vietnamese daily newspaper that covers a wide range of topics including politics, economy, society, culture, sports, and entertainment.

When was Báo Thanh Niên founded?

Báo Thanh Niên was founded in 1986.

Where is Báo Thanh Niên headquartered?

Báo Thanh Niên is headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

How can I access Báo Thanh Niên?

Báo Thanh Niên can be accessed through its website and social media platforms.

Does Báo Thanh Niên have a strong readership base?

Yes, Báo Thanh Niên is one of the most popular newspapers in Vietnam and has a strong readership base both online and offline.

How does Báo Thanh Niên generate revenue?

Báo Thanh Niên generates revenue through advertising and subscriptions.