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The Fizzy Show The Fizzy Show
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The Fizzy Show Youtube channel statistics

The Fizzy Show
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ -24K - $ -144K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
16.04.2024 Tue +2,268,926 $ 850 - $ 5.11K
12.04.2024 Fri +2,876,828 $ 1.08K - $ 6.47K
07.04.2024 Sun +4,006,316 $ 1.5K - $ 9.01K
03.04.2024 Wed +9,037,912 $ 3.39K - $ 20.3K
30.03.2024 Sat -84,931,516 $ -31.8K - $ -191K
25.03.2024 Mon +2,731,934 $ 1.02K - $ 6.15K
21.03.2024 Thu +2,495,420 $ 935 - $ 5.61K
18.03.2024 Mon -28,455,443 $ -10.7K - $ -64K
14.03.2024 Thu -2,730,717 $ -1.02K - $ -6.14K
10.03.2024 Sun +5,583,153 $ 2.09K - $ 12.6K
07.03.2024 Thu -83,724,760 $ -31.4K - $ -188K
04.03.2024 Mon +4,827,357 $ 1.81K - $ 10.9K
29.02.2024 Thu +3,965,466 $ 1.49K - $ 8.92K
26.02.2024 Mon +6,479,917 $ 2.43K - $ 14.6K

The Fizzy Show biography

The Fizzy Show is a popular YouTube channel that features a variety of content ranging from funny skits to challenges and pranks. With over 5 million subscribers and counting, The Fizzy Show is one of the most popular channels on the platform. The channel is run by a young man who goes by the name Fizzy, and he is known for his sense of humor and entertaining personality.

The Fizzy Show controversies

While The Fizzy Show is generally known for its lighthearted content, the channel has also been involved in a number of controversies over the years. One of the most notable incidents occurred in 2018 when Fizzy was accused of promoting dangerous pranks that could have put people in harm's way. This led to a number of his videos being pulled from YouTube and a backlash from his fans. Another controversial moment for the channel came in 2020 when Fizzy was accused of making insensitive comments about a particular group of people. While he later apologized for his remarks, the incident caused a great deal of anger and upset among many of his followers.

The Fizzy Show famous quotes

A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Life is better when you're laughing.
Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy.
A good laugh is a mighty good thing, a rather too scarce a good thing.
Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by mankind that life is worth living.
You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.