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gideonstactical Gideonstactical
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gideonstactical Youtube channel statistics

Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 237 - $ 1.42K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
16.04.2024 Tue +89,540 $ 33 - $ 201
13.04.2024 Sat +83,786 $ 31 - $ 188
08.04.2024 Mon +112,903 $ 42 - $ 254
03.04.2024 Wed +126,259 $ 47 - $ 284
30.03.2024 Sat +135,799 $ 50 - $ 305
26.03.2024 Tue +84,936 $ 31 - $ 191
22.03.2024 Fri +94,089 $ 35 - $ 211
18.03.2024 Mon +92,545 $ 34 - $ 208
15.03.2024 Fri +100,256 $ 37 - $ 225
11.03.2024 Mon +112,092 $ 42 - $ 252
07.03.2024 Thu +70,442 $ 26 - $ 158
04.03.2024 Mon +101,027 $ 37 - $ 227
01.03.2024 Fri +59,250 $ 22 - $ 133
26.02.2024 Mon +49,773 $ 18 - $ 111

gideonstactical biography

Gideon's Tactical is a popular YouTube channel that focuses on tactical gear, survival skills, and outdoor adventures. Hosted by a knowledgeable and experienced host who goes by the same name, the channel provides a wealth of information and gear reviews that are essential for anyone who loves the great outdoors. With over 300,000 subscribers, Gideon's Tactical is one of the most trusted sources of information on all things tactical and survival-related.

gideonstactical controversies

As with any popular YouTube channel, Gideon's Tactical has had its fair share of controversies. One of the most notable controversies was when the channel was accused of promoting certain products in exchange for money or other benefits. Gideon's Tactical denied the allegations and stated that all reviews were completely unbiased and that they only promoted products that they personally believed in. Despite this controversy, the channel has continued to thrive and has maintained a loyal fanbase.

gideonstactical famous quotes

'Stay tactical.'
'Be prepared for anything.'
'Survival is not a hobby, it's a way of life.'
'Better to have and not need, than need and not have.'
'The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.'
'Train like your life depends on it.'
'Don't wait until it's too late to start preparing.'
'Remember the golden rule of survival: stay calm and think.'
'The only thing more dangerous than being unprepared is being overconfident.'
'Always have a backup plan.'