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はじめしゃちょー(hajime) はじめしゃちょー(Hajime)
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はじめしゃちょー(hajime) Youtube channel statistics

Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 42.9K - $ 257K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
13.04.2024 Sat +11,012,462 $ 4.13K - $ 24.8K
09.04.2024 Tue +21,196,894 $ 7.95K - $ 47.7K
04.04.2024 Thu +17,600,413 $ 6.6K - $ 39.6K
31.03.2024 Sun +27,598,146 $ 10.3K - $ 62.1K
26.03.2024 Tue +17,259,414 $ 6.47K - $ 38.8K
23.03.2024 Sat +19,612,705 $ 7.35K - $ 44.1K
19.03.2024 Tue +12,537,994 $ 4.7K - $ 28.2K
15.03.2024 Fri +9,755,775 $ 3.66K - $ 22K
12.03.2024 Tue +18,027,003 $ 6.76K - $ 40.6K
08.03.2024 Fri +12,870,752 $ 4.83K - $ 29K
05.03.2024 Tue +9,839,755 $ 3.69K - $ 22.1K
01.03.2024 Fri +7,561,367 $ 2.84K - $ 17K
27.02.2024 Tue +11,577,416 $ 4.34K - $ 26K
24.02.2024 Sat +9,936,214 $ 3.73K - $ 22.4K

はじめしゃちょー(hajime) biography

はじめしゃちょー(hajime)is a popular Japanese YouTuber known for his entertaining and unique content. Born in Japan, he rose to fame through his comedy skits, challenges, and vlogs on his YouTube channel. With a charismatic personality and a talent for creating engaging videos, hajime has garnered a massive following and is considered one of the top YouTubers in Japan. His channel offers a wide range of content, including pranks, collaborations, and reaction videos. hajime's comedic timing and outlandish ideas have captivated his audience, leading to millions of subscribers and billions of views on his videos. Although known primarily for his YouTube presence, hajime has also ventured into other entertainment endeavors. He has released music albums and authored a book, further expanding his reach and influence. With his relatable and energetic persona, hajime continues to entertain and inspire his audience with his creative content and infectious enthusiasm.

はじめしゃちょー(hajime) controversies

Despite his popularity and success, hajime has faced his fair share of controversies throughout his career. One of the most notable controversies occurred when he uploaded a video involving a dangerous stunt. The video received backlash from viewers and critics who deemed it irresponsible and promoting unsafe behavior. As a result, hajime faced criticism and calls for accountability. Another controversy surrounding hajime arose when he made a controversial statement during a live stream. His comment sparked outrage and accusations of insensitivity, leading to a public apology from the YouTuber. These controversies have sparked debates within the online community and have highlighted the challenges and responsibilities that come with internet fame. Despite these setbacks, hajime has continued to create content and engage with his audience, working towards resolving past controversies and learning from them.