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Người Buôn Gió VN Nguyễn Quốc Hưng
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Người Buôn Gió VN net worth

$ 11.8K - $ 70.8K *

Người Buôn Gió VN income

$ 0
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 0
last 30 days
$ 0
last 90 days

While the exact net worth of Người Buôn Gió VN is not publicly disclosed, it is evident that he has achieved considerable success through his YouTube channel. With millions of subscribers and views on his videos, he has likely generated a substantial income from advertising revenue and brand partnerships. Additionally, Người Buôn Gió VN has diversified his income streams by launching his own merchandise, which further contributes to his overall net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Người Buôn Gió VN estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings

Người Buôn Gió VN Frequently Asked Questions

When was Người Buôn Gió VN born?

Người Buôn Gió VN have birthday on 1980-01-01.

When Người Buôn Gió VN uploaded first video?

Người Buôn Gió VN has youtube channel since 2013-03-18.

What is Người Buôn Gió VN's net worth?

$ 38.1K is approximately net worth of Người Buôn Gió VN.

How many videos does Người Buôn Gió VN have?

Người Buôn Gió VN uploaded 484 videos on youtube.

How old is Người Buôn Gió VN?

The age of Người Buôn Gió VN is 44.

What is Người Buôn Gió VN's zodiac sign?

Zodiac sign of Người Buôn Gió VN is Capricorn.

How many video views does Người Buôn Gió VN have?

Người Buôn Gió VN has 31,457,392 video views.

How much does Người Buôn Gió VN make per 1000 views?

Người Buôn Gió VN makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How many subscribers does Người Buôn Gió VN have?

Người Buôn Gió VN has 55,131 subs.