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Polimer News Youtube channel statistics

Polimer News
Video views
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Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 38.1K - $ 229K
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last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
17.04.2024 Wed +12,815,852 $ 4.81K - $ 28.8K
14.04.2024 Sun +15,051,984 $ 5.64K - $ 33.9K
09.04.2024 Tue +16,032,212 $ 6.01K - $ 36.1K
04.04.2024 Thu +19,775,386 $ 7.42K - $ 44.5K
31.03.2024 Sun +23,395,208 $ 8.77K - $ 52.6K
27.03.2024 Wed +14,550,677 $ 5.46K - $ 32.7K
23.03.2024 Sat +22,056,393 $ 8.27K - $ 49.6K
19.03.2024 Tue +18,338,445 $ 6.88K - $ 41.3K
15.03.2024 Fri +12,999,471 $ 4.87K - $ 29.2K
12.03.2024 Tue +19,713,233 $ 7.39K - $ 44.4K
08.03.2024 Fri +24,210,776 $ 9.08K - $ 54.5K
05.03.2024 Tue +12,747,829 $ 4.78K - $ 28.7K
02.03.2024 Sat +15,020,335 $ 5.63K - $ 33.8K
27.02.2024 Tue +12,766,887 $ 4.79K - $ 28.7K

Polimer News biography

Polimer News is a popular Tamil-language news channel based in Chennai, India. It was launched in 2009 and is known for its unbiased reporting and in-depth analysis of current affairs. The channel provides news on various topics including politics, entertainment, sports, and business. With a dedicated team of journalists and reporters, Polimer News has gained a loyal following and has become one of the leading news channels in Tamil Nadu. The channel focuses on delivering news that is both informative and engaging. It covers a wide range of news stories, including breaking news, investigative reports, and in-depth interviews. Polimer News also features programs that discuss social issues, health, and lifestyle. In addition to its television presence, Polimer News has a strong online presence. The channel has an active website where users can access the latest news articles, watch live streaming, and catch up on previous episodes of their favorite shows. The website also features special videos and exclusive interviews with prominent personalities. Overall, Polimer News strives to provide accurate and reliable news to its viewers, keeping them informed about the latest happenings in Tamil Nadu and beyond.

Polimer News controversies

Like any major news channel, Polimer News has been involved in a few controversies throughout its existence. One of the notable controversies was when the channel was accused of biased reporting during a high-profile political event. Some viewers felt that the channel was favoring a particular political party and distorting facts to suit their agenda. However, Polimer News vehemently denied these allegations and stated that they maintain strict journalistic principles of fairness, accuracy, and objectivity. Another controversy that surrounded Polimer News was related to its coverage of a sensitive social issue. The channel received backlash from a section of the society for allegedly sensationalizing the issue and spreading misinformation. Polimer News responded by clarifying their stance and ensuring that they adhere to ethical reporting practices. Despite these controversies, Polimer News has continued to maintain its reputation as a reliable news source. The channel has taken steps to address the concerns raised by viewers and has implemented measures to prevent any bias or misinformation in its reporting.